Welcome to my new Blog – simply a repository for current papers I’ve read really for my purposes of keeping track of all my favourite articles and thinking about Astrophysics: Astronomy and Cosmology.
Others are welcome to use this as a resource and I hope you find it helpful. If you have any comments – please feel free to register and comment on any post.
Cosmology is getting a rough time at the moment, and theoretical physics seems to be somewhat diverse, I’d rather not say lost, and this Blog is my personal attempt to get a lot of relevant information together that I believes is worth looking at more closely.
Who am I? My name is Estelle and I’m an innocent bystander, an enquirer, a visionary, and a futurist. I guess I’m all those things, but more than anything I have a passionate interest in the Universe and what the world is really like.
Additionally, I am a student at the University of Central Lancashire, UK, studying towards a Bachelor of Astronomy with Honours in Relativity. I have a real passion for anything related to Cosmology, Astronomy, and Relativity. I love reading Einstein’s work and feel at home with a telescope – yet my real passion is theoretical.
This is my blog and it is simply a means of keeping all that I read in one place, in the science arena, for future retrospective study and as a publishing aid.