Is the universe expanding asymmetrically?

Monday, 26 September 2011 by Estelle Asmodelle Cosmos Online This image shows the two hemispheres of a spherical mapping of the cosmic microwave background. New research examining the velocities of Type Ia supernovae suggests faster expansion in the northern hemisphere of the universe, challenging the cosmological principle that the universe is expanding uniformly in all […]

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Dark matter signals detected?

Thursday, 15 September 2011 by Estelle Asmodelle Cosmos Online This image shows the CRESST experiment. The detectors are supercooled to a temperature only slightly above absolute zero. Credit: Credit: CRESST & The Max-Planck-Institut für Physik. GOSFORD: Physicists have detected signals that could be interpreted as dark matter, the elusive substance believed to comprise 80% of

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