Tycho Brahe has regained popularity at this time

Big news surrounding the exhumation of the body of Tycho Brahe – was he indeed poisioned? Read both articles for the full details of what is happening right now: http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/3864/16th-century-astronomer-exhumed-solve-death And even better read this one too: http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/44330 Interesting… especially in the scope of this course.

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The Astrolabe & the Antikythera

The Astrolabe is of interest in showing how much the ancient world knew of astronomy: http://www.astrolabes.org/ And I don’t think we can talk about Ancient Greek Astronomy without considering the Antikythera (around 2nd Century BC): http://www.antikythera-mechanism.gr/ Although the later probably not really related to ancient astronomy – its still pretty interesting how they applied what

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JWST & Chandra

Nature published a free PDF about the wonderful successor to Hubble: The James Web Space Telescope – download it with no registration required: http://www.nature.com/news/2010/101027/pdf/4671028a.pdf Great download. Also this week – a great composite photo of a Quasar (3C 186) about 8 billion LYs has been released by the Chandra team – this too is worth

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This is my new Blog

Welcome to my new Blog – simply a repository for current papers I’ve read really for my purposes of keeping track of all my favourite articles and thinking about Astrophysics: Astronomy and Cosmology. Others are welcome to use this as a resource and I hope you find it helpful. If you have any comments –

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Instant Expert: Cosmology

12:14 04 September 2006 by Stephen Battersby (Image: NASA) Cosmologists study the universe as a whole: its birth, growth, shape, size and eventual fate. The vast scale of the universe became clear in the 1920s when Edwin Hubble proved that “spiral nebulae” are actually other galaxies like ours, millions to billions of light years away.

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